Recommendations: Favourite Classics

Today I am going to be continuing on with recommendations series and the topic of this post is my favourite classics. I have posted a Where to start with classics post, which you can check out here, and all of those books are part of my favourite classics as well. For this post, I have picked five other classics that I love and would recommend to anyone.
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall / Anne Bronte
From the least well known Bronte sister, this book is a tale of marital cruelty – we meet Helen Graham, a mysterious tenant, who is the subject of the town’s gossip and throughout the book we learn more about her story. I absolutely love this book. I really enjoyed the way it was written, and although I think some people feel the middle drags abit,  I didn’t have that issue. I think Helen is such an amazing and interesting female character, and it is (I think) quite accessible to a variety of readers. This book is definitely up there with Jane Eyre (by one of Anne’s sisters) as one of my all time favourite classics.


War and Peace / Leo Tolstoy
This is a translated classic. Originally in Russian, this book is pretty big – the edition I have (Penguin Clothbound) is around 1400 pages long. However do not be intimidated by the size. Yes you will have to put time aside to get through it, and yes it is very long but once you get past the first few chapters (and used to the names) you will be completely engaged with the story and characters. I was pleasantly surprised how easily I got into this classic. I never thought that I would read it – my dad has been telling me to read it for years but I was always intimidated by the size and I thought that it would be too dense for me, but then I saw the BBC adaptation (which I also recommend) and was intrigued to pick it up. I am so glad that I did. I loved it and would definitely recommend to everyone.


North and South / Elizabeth Gaskell
This classic is probably one of the first that I ever read. It follows Margaret who, along with her father, mother and servant, have to move from a rural village to the industrial town of Milton and they must all adjust to this new surrounding. I absolutely love this book – it is one of the books that really got me into classics, I think. I personally love Gaskell’s writing and characters. She is probably one of my favourite classic authors and this book is definitely my favourite book of hers so far. If you haven’t read this book yet and you love classics, you need to read this.


Persuasion / Jane Austen
Persuasion is possibly my favourite Austen book, with Pride and Prejudice a very close second. Maybe they can be my joint favourite. Anyway this book follows twenty-seven year old Anne Elliot who encounters Captain Wentworth, the man she had loved but had been persuaded to break off the engagement to, eight years. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and characters: it also contains an amazing love letter. I would recommend any Austen book, but this one is probably my favourite.


Far from the Madding Crowd / Thomas Hardy
This was my first Hardy novel and it follows Bathsheba Everdeen as she takes up her position of a farmer in one of the largest estates in the area and manages to attract the attention of three different men. Although you will most likely question Bathsheba’s motives/actions (I definitely did), you will really enjoy the development of the plot and characters. The descriptive writing style works really well with plot and creates an amazing setting. I highly recommend this and I am interested to read more by Thomas Hardy in the future.


Let me know if you have any classic recommendations for me in the comments. I have a whole load of classics that I want to read: it’s just a case of getting to them all :). I hope you are all having a wonderful day.


See you next time




11 thoughts on “Recommendations: Favourite Classics

  1. Have you read Agnes Grey? It made me love Anne Bronte so much. I haven’t read The Tenant of Wildfell Hall yet but need to soon because I recently visited the Parsonage where they loved which increased my obsession with the Bronte sisters tenfold. Lovely post – I love seeing people discuss the classics!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Yes I have read Agnes Grey and I loved it too! I think Anne is so underrated compared to her sisters! Clearly I highly recommend the Tenant of Wildfell Hall… Hope you are having a great day!


  2. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and War and Peace are already in my TBR classics. As for North and South, I want to read it again. Persuasion is my favorite Austen and have read it countless times. I also want to read Hardy and I am thinking Far from the Madding Crowd would be an excellent introduction. I just need to tackle my current TBR before I start on my TBR Classics.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know! The struggles of a big tbr! Well I hope you enjoy all of these classics and good luck with all the books 🙂


  3. I really want to read War and Peace! I absolutely loved Anna Karenina, but I’ve put off reading this one because it’s such a huge commitment, what with the length. I also want to re-read Far From the Madding Crowd! I enjoyed it the first time but feel like I’d enjoy it even more the second. Great list, and thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well I definitely recommend it! I am hoping to get to Anna Karenina soon! Yes Far from the Madding Crowd is great! I definitely want to try more Hardy! Thanks 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Completely agree with you about Persuasion – I think it’s my favourite too, although Pride and Prejudice is a very close second! I also love North and South – have you read Wives and Daughters? I always struggle to choose which I prefer, they’re both so brilliant! Wives and Daughters is tragically unfinished though! Love the blog 🙂


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