7 bullet journal spread for book bloggers

Hi guys, I hope you are well. As you can tell from the title, this post is going to be about 10 bullet journal spreads for book bloggers. I’ve been using my journal for 2 years now and I find it really useful to organise my blog. So I thought I’d share some of the spreads that I find the most useful and share some different ways of setting up each spread. Let’s get started.

Monthly Spread
This one is pretty self explanatory – it’s a spread with each month set out so you can plan your posting schedule. There are different ways you can set this one up, so find the one that works best for you. 

Blog stats tracker
Again pretty self explanatory. I know numbers aren’t everything but I still like to keep track of my blog stats. I am interested in any growth patterns and how it may help me to improve my blog. You can do this in a number of ways, so it will be a case of finding the format that suits you.

Anticipated Books
Since we blog about books, I think it’s good to know about any upcoming releases that you’re excited or interested in. I don’t have a great memory so I like having a spread in my bullet journal to remind myself of them. 

Book Reviews
Since I post reviews every Friday, I like to keep track of the books I’ve read in a year and whether I’ve reviewed it on my blog. For the last couple of years I’ve just done a list, but this year I started noting it down in a table. This way I can note down when I finished it, my rating, whether I reviewed it and if it was an ARC or a digital copy from Netgalley.Β 

Netgalley spread
I’ve been using Netgalley pretty much since I started blogging and it is such a useful site, although I do have a tendency to over request and then end up with loads of books to read. On the left I have books the weren’t released this year and on the right books that were released this year. I note down when I downloaded, when I finished it, my rating and if I’ve reviewed it on my blog.

Series to finish and Books to read
As I mentioned earlier, my memories not great so I like to note down the series I’m currently in the middle of. No surprises that most of the series I’m reading are fantasy series. At the start of the year I also like to note down all of the unread books on my shelf, so I can see my progress of reading my owned books throughout the year.

That’s it for today. I love using my bullet journal to keep me organised so I hope you find this post useful. Do you guys use a bullet journal? I’d love to know what your most useful spreads are. I hope you are all having a wonderful day and I will see you next time.


20 thoughts on “7 bullet journal spread for book bloggers

  1. This is such a helpful post! I don’t have a bullet journal but I have a scrapbook/journal that sort of doubles as one. I’ve been thinking about more creative ways to track my reading, and these seem like great options πŸ™‚

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