Bookish Academy Awards 2017

Hi guys, I hope you are all well. Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating and if you aren’t I hope you have a great day anyway. I did this tag last year and I think it’s quite a good way to round up the year. I will be doing a whole post about all my favourite books though, so keep an eye out for that. If you hadn’t already noticed about me I’m quite an indecisive person so for most of the questions I have multiple answers. Now I’m just going to get straight onto the questions.


Best Actor: (Best Male Protagonist) 
Once again I can’t just choose just one so I’ve a couple to share. Two of my favourites are Vaelin from the Raven’s Shadow trilogy by Anthony Ryan, Tormalin from The Ninth Rain by Jen Williams and Ven from the Queens of Renthia trilogy by Sarah Beth Durst.


Best Actress: (Best Female Protagonist)
There are so many options for this one so I’m sure you’re not surprised that there’s going to be multiple answers for this one too :). My favourites include Noon from the Ninth Rain by Jen Williams, Mara from the Empire trilogy by Raymond E. Feist and Janny Wurts, Vasya from the Girl in the Tower by Katherine Arden, Daliena from the Queens of Renthia trilogy by Sarah Beth Durst and Pole from Sins of Empire by Brian McClellan.


Best Cinematography: (Best Plot Twist)
My answer for this is kind of cheating but I want to mention it anyway as I never expected it to happen and that is the development of Malta in the Rain Wild Chronicles. I know it’s not technically a plot twist but while reading this series I was so surprised by her development. She starts off as a completely unlikable character and slowly progresses to be such an interesting character. Other than that, I’m drawing a blank for this one.


Best Costume Design: (Best Book Cover)


Best Supporting Actress and Actor: (Best Male and Female Sidekick)
For best male sidekick I’m choosing Hokanu from the Empire trilogy by Raymond E. Feist and Janny Wurts and for female sidekick I’m choosing Sonami from the Tensorate novellas by JY Yang. I’d love to know more about both of these characters, although Sonami is more of a secondary character then a sidekick. I don’t know that either of these characters would be considered sidekicks but I want to mention them anyway.


Best Original Screenplay: (Most Unique Plot/World)
There have been some amazing worlds in the books I’ve read this year so I’ve got a couple to share. Firstly Ebora from The Ninth Rain by Jen Willams, secondly Aratay from the Queens of Renthia by Sarah Beth Durst and the world of the Echoes of the Fall series by Adrian Tchaikovsky. I also love the world of the Sevenwaters series by Juliet Marillier.


Best Adapted Screenplay: (Best Book-to-Movie Adaptation)
To be honest I think I’ve only seen one book to movie adaption and that was Fantastic Beasts, although I haven’t actually read the book. I enjoyed the film though.


Best Animated Feature: (A book that would work well in animated format)
I’m not too sure about this one but maybe the Spellslinger series by Sebastien de Castell. I’ve really enjoyed the first two books in the series so far and I think that it has potential for an entertaining animated show.


Best Director: (A writer you discovered for the first time)
Once again I have more than one answer for this one. I’ve come across some great new authors this year including Juliet Marillier, Madeleine Thien, C. J. Sansom and Patricia A. McKillip.


Best Visual Effects: (Best Action in a Book)
I would say a lot of the books I’ve read this year with action scenes were written really well. I thought the action in The Bear and the Serpent by Adrian Tchaikovsky and Red Sister by Mark Lawrence. The action in Anthony Ryan’s books are great too.


Best Short Film: (Best Novella or Short Book)
I don’t actually read a lot of novellas but I did read and really enjoy The Terracotta Bride by Zen Cho. It’s only about 50 pages long (I think) so it was a pretty quick read.


Best Picture: (Best Stand-Alone)
The best stand alone is probably The Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia A. Mckillip, which I loved. I picked it up on a bit of a whim and I am so glad I did – it was fantastic. I did also really enjoy Artemis by Andy Weir, which is another great standalone.


Best Documentary: (Best Historical Fiction or Non-Fiction)
I haven’t read a lot of historical fiction books this year but I did read the first two books in the Shardlake series by C. J. Sansom. I loved both books so I’m excited to continue on with the series. Another historical fiction book I enjoyed was To Capture What We Cannot Keep by Beatrice Colin – I loved the setting of the construction of the Eiffel Tower.


That’s all I have for you guys today. I’ve read some pretty fantastic books this year so keep an eye out for my favourite 2017 books post which will be posted soon. I hope you are all having a wonderful day and I will see you next time.





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